




It’s time to reconnect...Let’s do it together.

Why We’re Here

As climate change becomes undeniable, so does the understanding that we need to
change the way we live. The current American culture with its emphasis on individualism
and consumerism, encourage the fossil fuel industry to continuously provide us with the
cheap oil, gas, and coal we need to meet our current cultural demands.

Talks about climate change are usually accompanied with technical solutions. Drive a
more fuel efficient vehicle, update your appliances and light bulbs, walk or ride your bike
to work, etc. These are absolutely solutions that move us in the right direction, but ignore
some people’s lived experience that might make these solutions difficult or downright
impossible to implement.

How can climate change solutions be more adaptive? Solutions that we know going in
won’t be easy to solve or may require trial and error. What solution does someone
deploy when their best option for employment is not within biking distance? What if it is
and they experience a loss of self esteem due to being the person without a car in a
community that associates it with some level of status? How can this person be
supported through this change?

We believe this is all part of the climate change conversation. We are committed to
addressing both technical and adaptive solutions to help more communities move to a
place where their desires, values, and beliefs are more aligned with an eco friendly and
sustainable way of living.

Changing Ourselves instead of the Planet

“Our values and attitudes have the capacity to slow
climate change. As individuals and as a society, we
would be able to implement a broader range of
climate change solutions if we could learn to accept
things that happen slowly, to be satisified with what
we already have, and to change how we think about
our goals as a society.”

Fall 2024 Spotlight News!

Celebrate with us! Diversely is now a federally recognized 501(c)(3) charitable organization.

Hear what we had to say to CanvasRebel about our beginnings!

We spent 5 months at the National Outdoor Leadership School in Wyoming to bring better outdoor programs to you.

Location: Houston, Texas Telephone: (713) 732-6004